October 18, 2013

Bayview Park

time check: 07:15 am

Worst breakfast buffet. Ever. 

I should be chronicling only about the sweetest and most beautiful morning stories, after all, this blog is about heralding the wonders of the start of a new day but that sad introduction needs to be written. You know, for drama’s sake. One stormy Saturday morning, I got to experience the sloppiest breakfast since I started this breakfast journal. The hotdogs were sweaty with oil, the tocino, too pink to be eaten, the scrambled eggs were swimming in oil. I eat like a construction worker and my mouth is a chronic chewer but for this morning, I ended up eating just the fruit and a teensy bit of congee to hush the growling tiger belly. But, as they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. UPGRADE THAT LEMON! 

My lemon upgrade came in the form of a very rare breakfast date. For that Saturday morning, across the dining table was my father discussing his political views and insights on the pork barrel bonanza. While I oppose his views, the breakfast table is simply not the place for debate. I prefer to greet the morning with calmness, happiness and cheer. Maybe lunch can take care of that. My mother sat next to the lecturing father. She’s the reason we were at the hotel. The accommodation was her prize from having reached a sales quota. To my right was my brother, my ever willing butler. Paul, water please. Paul, fruits please. Paul, heat the bread please. And get us some spread please. I forgot that we were in a hotel café and waiters were present to do these things for us.

I rarely get the chance to share meals with my parents since college uprooted me from the northern hometown to the big city.  So I spent my morning with my father’s pork barrel speech while making sure he was getting his fruit fix and that he got to try the jam; with my mother who was basking in silent happiness that she was spending that morning with us (she’s based in Cagayan Valley and occasionally visits); with my brother who was just as happy that he got to stay in a hotel and has spent the last night on a bubble bath then slept like a baby after wrapped in a bath robe (I kid not) and a comforter.

Worst breakfast. Ever.
Best breakfast date. Ever.
Life is good.

All Sunshiny,

Roxas Boulevard

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