October 5, 2013

Museum Cafe

time check: 08:15 am

There I was staring at a much lauded painting mounted on an apple green wall, mind lazy to absorb the meaning of the artistry before me. I thought I saw this before. Oh yes, we have one at home, except that instead of a canvass, it is directly executed on our wall and instead of a Barcelona-educated artist, my curious and four-year-old spinning top of  a nephew  did the work. 

Last Saturday, our breakfast date was inspired by my newly bought dark rimmed glasses from Uniqlo. I thought the pair makes me look smart. Jessica Zafra smart.  With the instensity of Ninoy Aquino. And sexiness of Sofia Vergara. Haha! My pair of glasses made its initial debut in Tapsilog Centrale but this sexy-smart vibe needs to be pumped up to its maximum level with a quick follow through of an educational field trip. That’s how I ended up staring at the painting mounted on the apple green wall. Mind blank. Praying for the real Jessica Zafra to lift me from my state of ignorance. In Ayala Museum.

But first, breakfast! The Museum Café (and Kabila) happily serves good morning meals because they know great minds wake up early (according to me without any basis of research – haha!). I love how it was all chill and calm that Saturday Morning. The sunlight generously spread in the lovely restaurant, the starting point of our museum visit.

 oh breakfast love from top to bottom 

(1) Single Shot Espresso
served in a lovely wooden tray

(2-3) Double Smoked Bacon Hash
served with poached egg with hollandaise sauce, fresh orange wedges and 3 silver dollar pancakes
 Though this was Alan's order, I am really partial to salty breakfast meals and the
bacon hash worked its magic on me. I had to refill my plate with his order.
More than once. :)

(4) Shot of the 3 Silver Dollar Pancakes 
Breakfast Vocab 101: A silver dollar pancake refers to a pancake about two to 
three inches (5 to 7 cm) in diameter 
(source: wikipedia)

Consistent with the smart sexy Saturday breakfast theme, I brought along with me my current read for the week, The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared. Wouldn't it be wonderful to grow old and have thousands and thousands stories to share about an exciting and well lived life?

(5-6) Alaminos Garlic Longganisa
served with 2 eggs (any style - i chose scrambled :D), cherry tomato salsa and salted eggs and fresh fruits

This, my friends, is breakfast made for the Gods. :)

(7) The Breakfast Spread
I feel rich just by looking at this. :)
Thank you Universe!

To mindful and smart mornings!

All Sunshiny,

Ayala Museum Complex
Makati City
breakfast is served starting 8am

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